Disaster Cat is an ex-patriot Californian, living in rural Ireland with husband, dogs, horses, chickens and many, many cats..
Disaster Cat gets a kick to go back to her blog...
Published on December 28, 2006 By Disaster Cat In Home & Family
Hi everyone,

Well, this morning, after enough time I'd managed to almost forget I had a blog, I got a notice that someone had commented on a past article. It turned out this may have been a rather sneaky way for Joe USER to remind me I still had an account since the comment seems to have been made in April - but hey it worked! Here I am, and in reality I'd been thinking about taking up the Kilmurry House Saga again anyway. We've managed to survive the year and had a lot of changes take place. Who knows, I may even figure out how to post pictures and show what my new weaving room looks like and the progress we are making converting an outbuilding into an SCA feasting hall and Hof?

Meanwhile, life continues on pretty much as before - although I finally was able to go shopping with Loki in a good mood and now have a working dishwasher and a washing machine that while not a US size will do a smallish sleeping back if stuffed into it correctly. The chickens are currently history as we lost most of them to a fox and decided not to renew the stock into bird flue had one more season to either spread or fade away. I can report that my rooster Saladin died bravely defending his hens from the fox, a noble end for a tiny T-Rex. Both dogs are still with us, though Thor and Skadhi are starting to slow down are John is thinking of getting them a puppy to play with. The cats are everywhere as usual, though Freya the Feral Maine Coon has now moved into my office and is only feral when I don't present cans of opened cat food enough times during the day to suit her. We are also having discussions over the ownership of my comfy chair. So far she is winning but this is largely because she has more free time to use it than I do. She claims that this controlling interest gives her the right to eminent domain on my lap when I watch TV....hmmmm...we shall see..

Anyway, I'm sure there's enough to keep a quick update going ever few days or so, not to mention I hope to be working on the last bit of my novel the next couple of months. This past year we have spent so much time get the the family jewelry business going (and my smaller Viking Lady traders business which you can see at www.vikingladytraders.com) so there has not been a lot of time for writing of any kind at the computer. I'm hoping to arrange things to make room for it in the New Year. I've had this planned for awhile so it is not a New Years resolution, if it was I'm sure it wouldn't last, but calling it a "plan" may give it a better chance of survival.

Opps, I need to run, we've got a New Years party with 20 people coming to cheer in 2007, I think I'm supposed to be baking cookies or something...too bad the set of kitty cat cookie cutters isn't here yet...*wicked grin*

Disaster Cat

you can also visit me a


on Dec 28, 2006
well then welcome back - don't be a scatticat - remember to blog!

on Jan 03, 2007
Thanks Jennifer - already posted another one - I think that life has slowed down just enough to let me do this again-besides it is an excuse to read everyone else's too!
Disaster Cat
on Feb 03, 2007
Just in time, I was about to delete you from my favorites list due to inactivity. (Actually if JU hadn't been so wonky that I couldn't mess with my favorites, I probably would have already.)

Okay, you've earned a reprieve. But we demand more articles.