Disaster Cat is an ex-patriot Californian, living in rural Ireland with husband, dogs, horses, chickens and many, many cats..
Posting from rural Ireland
Published on July 29, 2004 By Disaster Cat In Welcome
Hi everyone,
this is Disaster Cat, a brand new blogger, who is still not absolutely sure what a blogger is. Here in rural Ireland, it can take a while for news to catch up, even for a US ex-pat like me. But, I finally figured out that blogging was not a new form of sled racing and decided to check it out for myself. JoeUser was the first site I came across and since they offered a free blog, I decided to fill out the form. Never knowing I would have to actually write something when I first signed up! So much for lurking in the background for a few days. But since I have no idea what I'm doing, I won't say much yet either. Just to let folks know, I've lived in Ireland for about eight years now. I've had some interesting experiences since moving here (as well as in Sweden and the UK). Stay tuned for future posts on some of these experiences, as well as comments on life, the universe and everything..Oh and the nickname? That's what my family calls me, Disaster Cat, both because of my knack for winding up in the middle of natural disasters, as well as my interest in survival type subjects. Not to mention my occasional "oopses" in the kitchen (not often, but it happens)...more later when I figure this whole blog thing out -

Disaster Cat
Somewhere right in the middle of an Irish Bog...

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