Disaster Cat is an ex-patriot Californian, living in rural Ireland with husband, dogs, horses, chickens and many, many cats..
Real Food: At Last!
Published on November 3, 2004 By Disaster Cat In Home & Family
Those of you following the Disaster Cat Saga the last couple of weeks, know that I have been laid up with a rather nasty post-operative infection in my foot. This has lead to a rather eclectic diet lovingly provide by husband and friends. A diet which has consisted of everything from frozen pizza to fresh killed chickens. Also a large share of store bought rolls, crackers, peanut butter, dried fruit and a complete absence of vegetables. While guessing what culinary marval was coming next has almost become a form of entertainment (it doesn't take much when life revolves around a large stuffy chair and TV set), it is one that I am perfectly happy to give up. As of today, I can happily report that I am, at last, able to do so. And none to soon!

I have now reached the point where I can managed the back kitchen stairs several times a day, if I take it slow. Once there, I can move about the room for 15 or 20 minutes before I have to sit down. And, I'm discovering you can get quite a bit done in 15 minutes if you set your mind to it. Among other things I have rescued five day old laundry from the washing machine, turned off the three day simmering chicken stew (did you know that chicken stew turns dark brown if you cook it long enough on low?), baked two loaves of real bread and most important (to me) made mine own dinner! I offered to feed other people but they were too busy or not feeling well. So tonight I had minute steak (my husband went to the store), home-made oven fries and fresh tomatoes. I know, this is not earth shaking news, but it sure made me feel better. In the midst of all the in-depth TV election coverage and other heavy news; it was nice to just sit back and eat something I could really sink my teeth into.

Not to mention that I also got to put on sandals for the first time in two weeks. Get into a car and go both the chiropractor and the super-market. This last stop was suggested by my house-mate (husband was at home) and it allowed both of us to get a few things like the fresh tomatoes and other stuff my husband feels that "only prey eats." Don't get me wrong, I do like meat, I just also enjoy having a few other things to eat along side it. We also bought fresh pasta and other items I can heat up myself, now that I can get to the stove. I may not be up to doing full-time, scratch meals yet. But I'm looking forward to getting some basics back into the kitchen. This foot thing has really made me appreciate being able to get about and do stuff. And I'm eager to get back to doing it.

Also, its a distraction from what (to our house-hold) is very disturbing election results. I don't want to dwell on things, this is not a political rant (I did that on my Live Journal post to friends) but I've noticed that when there's nothing I can do about something disturbing, the best solution is to keep busy. When I've had more time to gather my thoughts, I may do a more political blog entry, but for now, I'll just say that like a lot of other Americans who live in Europe, I'm pretty much in shock. Its probably a bit worse for us because not living in the US, its harder to gage the feel of people there. Just because you are from somewhere, doesn't mean you know what is going on after you move somewhere else. I just hadn't realized the gap had gotten quite that wide....

Anyway, I'm thinking of making home-made yogurt and maybe some low sugar cookies tomorrow. They are finally (after a two year delay) starting to get Splenda in the pharmacies here. I'm still experimenting with the stuff as it tends to leave baked goods dry and nasty. I gather that combining it with some sugar and powdered milk is supposed to overcome this. Now that I have powdered milk (bought in the UK, along with half a round of Monterey Jack Cheese) I'm looking forward to being able to try it. I was just about ready to go, when I had the surgery. Its almost like time stopped for awhile, and now its starting up again.

Meanwhile, I think I'll lay back and enjoy my last couple of days spending extra time with the cats. They are not going to be happy at all when Mommy is fully recovered. They LIKE having Mommy in the bed...after all, that's where cats belong, isn't it?.....

More Soon,
Disaster Cat

on Nov 17, 2004
Yeah, real food!
Where have you been recently/ I hope you are well and still improving, foot-wise.

Just found out my big Cat, Ahn Ju, has Diabetes and I will hear about possible treatments for him in a couple of days. poor old guy, we couldn't figure out why he was losing weight.
on Nov 17, 2004
HI Geezer (and others)
I've been off-line because my mother-in-law was visiting and we were doing house cleaning on steriods. Then, just after my husband left on a buisness trip to Germany; his favorite cat got very sick and nearly died last night. Cat is a lot better now, but last night was a very long night. I plan on trying to get back to blogging tomorrow night (if our phone lines stay working). Cat is now living in my work room and is "helping" me with the computer, so I know he is feeling better. Hope your guy is feeling better soon...

Disaster Cat (with smaller Cat named Hagen sitting on the stool beside her)