Disaster Cat is an ex-patriot Californian, living in rural Ireland with husband, dogs, horses, chickens and many, many cats..
Life goes on....
Published on February 17, 2005 By Disaster Cat In Home & Family
First, I would like to than everyone who wrote me about Hagen's passing. I'll show some of them to The Wolf, when he is feeling better. As you can imagine, he is not at his best today. The house is very quiet and everyone is moving about in a sort of hushed manor. Life keeps moving, even when it seems like it is moving through molasses. This evening, a little girl came to look at The Lizard's huge, Irish Draft horse. The LIzard's knees just are not up to riding, and he would like to pass his beloved mare onto someone who will love her and pet her a lot. She's had a very hard life having spent the first half of it tied up by the roadside near a Traveler's Caravan Home. An official "rescue" animal, The Lizard named her "Hyppalocos" (or "Poor Horsie" in Greek). My Greek spelling may be off, but you get the general idea.

Poor Horsie, has had a much better life since she came to live with us. Lots of grass, fresh hay, an easy life. Lots of attention when it became obvious the first year we had her that Lizard had accidentally bought "two horsies" for the price of one! We sold her filly when she got to be larger (and eating more) than her mother. But, she's a well trained horse and would be happier with more regular exercise. Hence, once The Lizard determined that he really was not going to be able ride very much, he started looking for a good home for her.

We have a mutual friend (another American lady who bought a farm house here) who rescues GreyHound Dogs and used to train horses for a living. If its a horse or a dog, she is very good at locating appropriate humans for them. So, she brought over this little girl today and let her try out the horse. I gather horse and rider stayed together even when bull in the next field rushed the fence at them. Not to mention that child was seen to be petting horse constantly and horse enjoyed this very much. I suspect that if financial arrangements are suitable Poor Horsie may changing stables. I'm sure the adoptive home is suitable as our friend would have looked it over before the introduction. I suspect the LIzard may want to see for himself first, but overall it looks like things will have a happy ending.

My own horse had hardly had me on his back either. But there's a good chance I can start riding again this Spring. My major problem (besides my back) has been finding other people who ride western. That problem may be solving itself so I'm hoping to start up again. And, my new chiropractor is an American who also rides. So he will be able to let me know what the situation really is. If I really can't ride anymore, I'll probably do the same thing the Lizard is. But, I hope not, I really like my horse. Even if he's like his mommy, a bit round and lazy by nature. Which means he's not likely to take off at a dead run or throw me off. Important points to someone who hasn't ridden much since they were 14 or so. He's also an Icelandic horse, which means if he weren't from Iceland, he would be so short he would be considered a pony. And, since I'm 4 feet 8 inches tall, I like a horse who is short on the ground....

But, other than horse viewings, the day has been pretty low key. Wolf did go out to check the chickens and discovered that rats were getting all the eggs. So, I suspect that next week we will have chicken run repair time. My foot is to the point where I can probably help out a bit. Not that I'm looking forward to mud bath, but if we can get some sand put down in the run that situation should improve as well.

The cats do seem to know that something has happened to one of their number. And are going out of their way to be very cute and cuddly. Thor rolls over every time I go into the bedroom...

"Hey Look at ME, Me, ME!" he says....and of course, I pet him, a lot....

I know life is going to perk up in a day or two, but for now it just seems dark and depressing. Even though there was sunshine today, it felt like the heaviest of Winter Clouds was everywhere. Even though I know this too shall pass, its seems rather slow going trudging through it.

That's about all from here today. Maybe more on the weekend and other stuff later..

Disaster Cat

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