Disaster Cat is an ex-patriot Californian, living in rural Ireland with husband, dogs, horses, chickens and many, many cats..
Disaster Cat Reports from Scotland
Published on June 2, 2005 By Disaster Cat In Home & Family
Hi everyone,
This is a quickie report as I need to go to bed. While Disaster Cat is officialy back on line, I am staying with friends in Scotland for most of June. I'm having a great time, minus the weather. Its been grim and wet since I arrived, which was rather a surprise since Ireland has been warm and mild. Most often, both places are either pretty grim, or pretty OK. This time, the weather fronts must be jumping over the top of Ireland and slamming into here. And, of course the SCA even this weekend is all camping...oh joy oh rapture. Its a good thing the friend I'm staying with is a weaver and she has lots of nice warm clothing for her family that I can borrow.

Anyway, I'll try to report back at least a few times during this trip. So far, I have managed to forget the cards I need for my psychic reading job. And then discovered that nearly every single shop that is supposed to sell them is out of stock. Thankfully we found one shop near by that had a set and they are holding it for me. It gives me a good excuse to go shopping along the royal mile anyway, so I'm not too upset about it. But it was a near thing there for a couple of hours and I did wonder outloud if I was shopping with Loki again this trip. I thought about trying to call my husband and asking him to mail my old set, but then I thought about just how often my husband will darken the door of the post office. Or rather, how many overdue notices we can collect if I have to rely on him to get things mailed off in a timely manner. I'd rather buy a new set, than have my current set arrive here in Scotland three days after I leave to go home. No, this way is better, and will lead to a more peacful family life as well...otherwise I can hear myself screaming now...
"You Mailed them WHEN???"

So, I'll try to report back next week a bit more on my adventures in Scotland, as soon as I really get a chance to have any. Who knows, maybe I will get another chance to visit important landmarks like Adam Smith's grave (in a real Graveyard) or that of John Knox (who is burried beneath a parking space downtown...).

More later,
Disaster Cat

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