Greetings to everyone who has been following the Saga of Kilmurry House. I had intended this blog to be a catch up piece, one that entertained with snippets of life here over the last two weeks. The two crazy weeks while we prepared for and lived through our local SCA event. Our last house guests left this morning, and it seemed for a few minutes that life would go on as normal. Last night, The Wolf had taken his favorite cat, Hagen to the vet in a rush. But he seemed to be improving......
Well, I was going to write about how yesterday we got to find out just how unprepared we were for nine hours without electricity. Can you say "matches" anyone? But instead, I'm going to write about what happened a few hours ago at a pet store in Dublin. Totally by "chance" but experiences like this make me wonder sometimes just how much of life, really is "chance." This is what happened: My husband and our house-mate are starting a jewelry making business, for which they need supplies....
Well, for those of you who don't know, Disaster Cat lives with her husband, house-mate and furry friends, in a 200 year old Irish Rectory/Farm House. When we moved in, we had a terrible rat problem and I thought that a natural solution might be better than the tons of rat poison the previous owners put down every year. Besides, looking at the results of their efforts, I was not impressed. Thus began the saga of the Kilmurry House Barn Cats, a continuing story that has gone on for the entir...